The Aspects of Art "Avatar"
The understanding of beauty in terms of art is a science that is perceived differently by people all over the world. According to the book called “But is it art?” by Cynthia Freeland, “The ways audiences see it and react are different and they do not enter in with a shared belief and value system” (Freeland, 2001).
At the same time, the origin of any air makes sense only in case of its obedience by the public. In the movie called Man on Wire; the producer emphasizes the fact that people can still see the World Trade Center but they can never escape from the tragedy happened as of 9/11. According to the author, “The movie reveals the moment of shock for the vast majority of people along with the memory of the moment when absurd became truth” (Gillespie, 2011).
The Avatar movie was chosen as an object of discussion for the reason that it makes the viewers imagine the alternative life that vast majority of people wish to have in reality. If to look differently on the same situations in life, one can always change the reality exactly as he/she wishes to see it. The Avatar movie is one of the most challenging in terms of power it has over the viewers, and this is what makes it so important. Most of the reviews of Avatar claim that this is one of the most extraordinary works of art. Though, there are surely alternative opinions about this movie that will be also evaluated in the given paper from the critical point of view.
While looking through the Internet reviews of Avatar, a lot of critics claim that this is indeed an excellent film in the contemporary cinematography. According to the Broad National Press, the “overall rating of this movie equals to 78.4 percent”. If to talk about the local newspapers, “the rating goes to 82.7 percent”. The High-Brow Press has one of the highest ratings of 95.8 percent. New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Toronto rate Avatar with “89 percent of positive reviews”. Now, the time has come to consider “the overall movie industry with the rating of 96.4 percent”. Finally, the key cities in the world rate the movie at the level of 77.5 percent. All in all, “the total rating counts 82.1 percent of positive reviews” out of 100 percent (Avatar, 2009).
Although, on the one hand, the Avatar movie has more positive reviews, there are also many critical responses about it. How and why this work of art causes such a divergence of views? The answer to this question is hidden in the plot of the filmand its main idea. It does not make sense to review the whole story in detail, but the key elements of this film should be emphasized. James Cameron represents a story that happens on Pandora, the moon in the system of Alpha Centauri, and the Na’vi people who live there. There is a conflict between the people from Earth and Pandora that reveals the need to get the mineral called unobtainium that is so precious for the Na’vi people. The name of the movie reveals the creation of super bodies that combine the DNA of humans and the Na’vi people. These bodies can be controlled with the power of human brains and special Avatar machines. The thesis covers the conflict and loving relationships between Jake and Neytiri, who in turn combine their powers to defend Pandora from humans. As a result, Jake becomes a true member of Na’vi and helps fight the invaders.
How could this movie have so much power in it? The answer is hidden in the critical point of view stating that the Avatar movie addresses the fact that Europeans have ruined the original values of Americans, Africans as well as other Aboriginal nations. In the past, the core of life was based in the native lands of humans, thus illustrating a decent spiritual connection between people and homelands. “The Avatar film demonstrates the fact of land devastation by the European colonies”. The idea is that the “white population abolishes the territories with the only wish to make money”. It is obvious that the movie distinctly speaks about colonization, which has a negative influence on the inhabitants’ life (Henry, Tator, Mattias, and Rees, 2009).
Why did James Cameron produce the movie in this way? Probably, he was trying to let the viewers see the difference of human qualities that could be either positive or negative in relation to the nature. It is impossible to disagree that people always have a choice of what path to choose while searching for the direction in life. In the movie, Avatar people represent the humans as if they were fighting for their nature. James Cameron calls for actions towards creation of a more human relationship between the people of different nationalities as well as in the whole society. This is done for the reason that many people live in an attempt to get some benefit from those who are week and poor. The main message of the film is to make people understand the nature of abuse by comparing it with the military people who fight with Na’vi in order to get that priceless mineral. Instead, people should understand that love and friendship are the only ways to communicate effectively and live together on the planet. The same message is addressed with the help of Avatar story. It explains that only love and communication between the humans and Na’vi can bring a harmony between each other and nature. People should learn to respect one another in any circumstances and in every possible environment. Thus, it turns out that James Cameron talks about dual understanding of humanity.
A valid evidence to support the thesis would be to acknowledge that the Avatar movie had a gross budget of almost $3 billion since its release in 2009. The positive reviews were gathered mainly for the reason of a remarkable animation and direction that is “claimed to be the real work of art”. In contrast, the negative views encompass the anti-racist character from all the positions. The most critics of this movie are directed towards the values of democracy. The most contemporary critical material addresses the fact of complex relations with the domination of humans over Na’vi population. The overall behavior of humans could be explained as “negative to the very means of nature as well as the nature as a whole”. The purpose of the first and second parts of the movie was to show that communication could be held in different manners and the good ones should have been put first (Lawrence, 2003).
According to Lao-Tzu, it is very important to know others, but knowing oneself is even more valuable. People learn to evaluate everything they see in life as well as understand their mistakes and make the right decisions. Thus, all the knowledge gathered during the lifetime reflects people’s ability to think critically about different life situations and respond accordingly. It does not matter whether one is a soldier or a simple person. The same could be illustrated by the warriors that fight with the Na’vi people in order to get the source of power on the lands of Pandora. However, it is very important to develop one’s personal identity in the society.
Why do people need to know their personal values? Where should they come from? What would be the benefit of knowing our personal values? These and many other questions are posed by James Cameron in his movie. When people learn to identify their personal values, they will become more responsible for their lives. “The more true they are about exploring their values, the more peaceful and fulfilled their life would be in the future”. However, this makes sense only if one cares about himself and the surrounding world. The Avatar movie is a great proof of such conclusions (Henry, Tator, Mattias, and Rees, 2009).
By appreciating their personal values people will get to know how to live their life, how to adhere to the rules that guide their actions or decisions, how to find support in other people as well as how to become a valuable person for the society. There are five personal values that are the most important, namely simplicity, courage, feedback, communication, and respect. By showing integrity people form themselves as personalities. If people develop such personal characteristics and treasure them during all their life, their inner qualities will be more powerful than ever before (Avatar, 2009).